Dear colleagues,
Preparations for our upcoming EMDR Europe Conference are in full swing
and as always we will try to offer you a rich and varied program that
can expand your theoretical knowledge and enhance your clinical skills
in the field of EMDR. This conference edition will focus on research and
related clinical practice, an area that Francine Shapiro has always
advocated as well as a fundamental aspect that has made it possible to
legitimize and validate EMDR in the international scientific panorama,
also helping to expand its range of action.
This year the wind takes us eastwards and exactly to the magical city of
Prague, known for being the birthplace of Franz Kafka, for centuries a
place of mystery where history and legend, sacred and profane, are
confused. That's due to Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg, Emperor of the
Holy Roman Empire who was a fervent supporter of the occult sciences in
search of the elixir of life and the transmutation of metals into gold.
During his reign from 1576 to 1612, he made his court a center of study
for alchemists and occultists from all over Europe.
Well, from 29 May to 1 June 2025we will make Prague the center of EMDR
researchers and clinicians from all over Europe and even overseas,
bringing further evidence of the power of EMDR in "transmuting suffering
and pathology into relief and healing"!
So, I’m pleased to welcome you to the EMDR Europe Research & Practice
Conference and I wish you to enjoy the magic city of Prague.
Bruna Maccarrone
EMDR Europe Conference Committee Chair

Bruna Maccarone

Guida Manuel

Sofia Mariani

Oliver Piedfort-Marin

Beatrice Strock

Marian Tobin

Michael Hase

Antonio Onofri

Zuzana Cepelikova

Hana Vojtová

Paulani Zelviene

Juliane Tortes St. Jammes

Isabel Fernandez

Benedikt Amann

Carljin deRoos

Kerstin Stellerman-Strehlow

Zat Zeynep